Push Notifications

5 Reasons Why Mobile Push Notifications are Every Shopify Merchant's Dream

Push notifications for your Shopify mobile app will improve engagement, increase sales, reduce abandoned carts, bring higher retention rates, and...

5 Reasons Why Mobile Push Notifications are Every Shopify Merchant's Dream

If you’re a Shopify store owner, then you know that every little edge you can get over the competition is crucial.

In a world where customers can buy anything they want in just a few clicks, it’s essential to do everything possible to stand out - and mobile push notifications are the perfect way to do that.

To use mobile push notifications, you'll need a mobile app. Mobile apps convert 3x better than mobile websites whilst delivering a 10% higher average order value. Click here to find out how to get a mobile app for your Shopify store.

Mobile push notifications are messages that show up on your customers’ phones (even when they aren’t using your mobile app), driving 15x more purchases vs. email and 9x more purchases vs. SMS.

In this article, we'll cover:

  • 5 reasons why mobile push notifications are one of the best marketing tools for Shopify merchants
  • How to use mobile push notifications for your store
  • All your top questions about mobile push notifications for more sales and revenue

Push notifications for your Shopify mobile app

5 reasons why mobile push notifications are one of the best marketing tools for Shopify merchants

1. Less competition, entirely on your terms

In the constant bidding war for consumers’ attention, getting in front of your customers can be expensive.

It's becoming increasingly difficult to run ads on Google, Facebook, and Instagram with costs only getting higher and higher.

With mobile push notifications, you don’t need to fight for the top spot in a consumer feed; you just appear in their notifications. There's no secret algorithm, no ad guidelines, no hidden rules you need to abide by to get seen. You click send on your message and they see it.

Equally, you’re not at the mercy of global differences in access to your message. Countries have considered (and are) banning popular apps like TikTok, but they won't ban mobile notifications.

Whilst the sea of marketing is ever-changing, mobile push notifications are the one ever-present, reliable lighthouse you can count on.

2. Massive increases in customer retention 

When a customer receives a push notification, it increases their retention by 71% over the next 60 days.

Mobile push Notifications allow you to engage an already interested audience, increasing their lifetime value and their chances of becoming a repeat customer.

That’s without mentioning the gains from abandoned cart messages or personalised offers!

3. The costs don’t scale with your audience growth 

Mobile push notifications are completely free to send - no matter the size of your audience.

Why use Google, Meta & emails when you can have an unlimited audience for less than the cost of one campaign?

Push notifications are a great tool to reach your target market without breaking the budget. You’ll be able to scale any campaigns to as large an audience as you like, with no extra expense involved in reaching more people!

Whether you have 1,000 or 100,000 app users, you don't have to spend a penny to send a push notification.

4. They allow for segmentation and personalisation

When used correctly, push notifications can be an extremely effective marketing tool for ecommerce and Shopify businesses.

Mobile push notifications give you the ability to segment your audience and send highly personalised messages, increasing customer engagement and your Shopify sales.

They can also be used to re-engage customers who have abandoned their cart or who haven't purchased in a while. By sending them a personalised message, you can remind them of products left in their basket and encourage them to come back and complete their purchase.

5. They’re easy for your customers to act on

Push notifications usually include a call to action, such as “Check out our new arrivals” or “Get 10% off your next purchase", making theme easy for users to act on and for you to make more sales.

Push notifications are a great way to keep your Shopify mobile app top of mind for your customers.

They provide a quick and easy way to stay up-to-date on the latest sales, products, and deals without having to open the app. Plus, they can be personalised to include items you know your customer is interested in.

Want to learn more about the power mobile push notifications can have for your Shopify store? Download our free guide.

Shopify mobile app push notifications

Mobile push notiication FAQ

What do I need to send mobile push notifcations?

All you need to send mobile push notifications is a mobile app for your Shopify store.

Once you've built your mobile app, you can then send as many mobile push notifications as you like - all for free.

Though, we recommend not sending too many to avoid annoying your customers. We have a handy guide on how to get the most out of your mobile push notifications.

Book a call with a member of the StoreLab team to learn more about how you can build a mobile app for your Shopify store.

Why are mobile push notifications important for Shopify stores?

If you're like most Shopify merchants, you'll have tried everything to get more sales: Google ads, Facebook ads, emails, SMS, and more.

Well, mobile push notifications are 15x higher converting vs. email and 9x higher converting vs. SMS. Plus, they're completely free-to-send, so you don't need to worry about rising CPMs, battling ad costs, or expensive competiton.

Simply write and send, and it'll appear directly on your customer's home screen.

What are the key benefits of mobile app push notifications?

There are countless benefits to mobile app push notifications. Here are just a few:

  • Increased engagement
  • Increased sales
  • Reduced abandoned carts
  • Improved customer retention
  • Higher conversion rates
  • Free-to-send performance marketing
  • Auatomatic personalised customer messaging
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